What People Are Saying
About Nell’s Performances


[ Also read what people are saying about the Workshops ]
{More comments from audience and newspapers from the May 2008 run of this show.}

“Possessing a razor sharp sense of humor, a keen sense of irony and theatricality, Ms. Weatherwax is a master story-teller.”

—Rich Perez, Artistic Director of the Bloomington Playwrights Project


“Nell Weatherwax is a courageous artist. . . . close to the bone, deeply personal, heartfelt and honest. . . . Thrilling and unique. I’ve never seen a performer do what Nell does. You can practically see her heartbeat.”

—Fontaine Syer, Associate Professor -Acting and Directing


“. . .stunningly beautiful. The combination of movement and storytelling is so original and compelling . . .”

—Carrie Newcomer, singer/songwriter, Rounder Records


Four Stars - “mystical and funny”

—Indy Nuvo Magazine


“Weatherwax’s well-told tales morph into a style of autobiographical memory play that seems all her own. Scenes unfold in a fashion that is neither predictable nor linear. ...smooth narratives, vivid characters and unconventional plot twists.”

—Indianapolis Star


“. . . people literally cried and laughed. It’s very finely performed, really funny and a form you rarely see. The immediacy is sometimes shocking and more often than not a miraculous respite from run-of-the-mill theatrical entertainments.”

—Diane Kondrat, Actor


“. . . real energy and connection. She has finely tuned her craft and delivers – an amazing feat as each show is unique.”

—Andrew Brightman



“Joseph Campbell said that some truths are so profound they can only be told through stories. Nell Weatherwax improvises the truth – and does so in a way that keeps you on the edge of your seat.”

—Paul Smedberg



“Her willingness to share the authentic feeling and the poetic details was downright brave.”

—Barry Callen, author and songwriter

[ Also read what people are saying about the Workshops ]


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